Treveri’s Custom Flat Woven Rug Collections

Treveri’s exclusive custom rug designs are grouped into four acclaimed collections. These collections are unique and distinct from each other and offer each Treveri client a wide and appealing variety of rug styles, fabric selections and color palettes. Here’s some useful information about our collections:

Sahara Collection

Our exotic collection of fine mohair wools and premium lamb's wools expertly woven into an acclaimed catalog of some of the world's most-respected proprietary rug patterns.

Heritage Collection 

Created with Treveri's world-renowned cotton chintz fabric, our Heritage Collection rugs impart a sense of refinement, warmth and quality like none other. Available in more than two dozen exclusive patterns, Heritage Collection custom rugs are among the most popular selections in our extensive catalog.

Las Brisas

Named for the caress of the warm sea breezes that sooth the western coasts of Mexico and South America, Treveri's Las Brisas Collection is perhaps the softest and most touchable of our custom rug lines. Skillfully woven using generations-old traditional methods, Las Brisas rugs should please the eye and designer palette for generations to come.


Reflective of the earthy cultures of the Central American rainforests from which their core fabrics come, Orinocco Collection rugs are lovingly constructed from durable and dependable cotton fabrics, precision-dyed by seasoned Central American artisans and hand-woven into delectable masterpieces by our traditional weavers in Northern California.

Custom Orders Welcome

All of our collections are available in a rainbow of colors.  Our much-heralded Sahara mohair line is available in your choice of 46 vibrant colors, the Sahara wool line offers 400 color choices, our Heritage line features 120 fabric colors and 500 warp yarn choices; choose from 120 fabrics, 150 chenille colors and 500 yarns in our Las Brisas line and from 5 acclaimed neutral fabrics woven with any of 500 yarn choices in Treveri's Orinocco rug line.